; M1 Correctness Without a Clock ; Copyright (C) 2004 J Strother Moore and John R. Cowles, ; University of Texas at Austin and University of Wyoming ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as ; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of ; the License, or (at your option) any later version. ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public ; License along with this program; if not, write to the Free ; Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, ; USA. ; Written by: John R. Cowles ; email: cowles@uwyo.edu ; Department of Computer Science ; University of Wyoming ; Laramie, WY 82071 U.S.A. ; Based on earlier work and ideas of ; J Strother Moore and Panagiotis Manolios ; email: Moore@cs.utexas.edu manolios@cc.gatech.edu ; Department of Computer Sciences College of Computing ; University of Texas at Austin Georgia Institute of Technology ; Austin, TX 78712-1188 U.S.A. Atlanta Georgia 30332-0280 U.S.A. ;================================================================== (include-book "m1-utilities") (in-package "M1") ; This is the Defpun book by Manolios and Moore. It may be found ; on the class website. ; You should copy the Defpun book to your file system and ; recertify it. ; Then change the absolute path name below to point to your copy ; of defpun.lisp. (include-book "defpun") ; Defpun is not part of the m1-utilities, so it is added by macro. (defmacro defpun (g args &rest tail) `(acl2::defpun ,g ,args ,@tail)) ;; The clocked interpreter for M1 is ;; (DEFUN RUN (S N) ;; (IF (ZP N) ;; S ;; (RUN (STEP S) (- N 1)))) ;; An interpreter without a clock for M1 is given below by run-w. ;; (run-w s) runs state s to termination, if a halted state can be ;; reached by repeated steps of M1. The value of (run-w s) on ;; states that do not terminate is not specified. (defun haltedp (s) (equal s (step s))) (defpun run-w (s) (if (haltedp s) s (run-w (step s)))) ;; The following equivalence relation holds between two terminating ;; states precisely when they terminate in the same state. (defun == (s1 s2) (equal (run-w s1) (run-w s2))) ;; ==-IS-AN-EQUIVALENCE (defequiv ==) (in-theory (disable step-opener)) ;; Any state is related by == to the state obtained by stepping ;; M1 once. (defthm ==-step (== s (step s)) :rule-classes nil) (defthm ==-stepper (implies (and (consp (next-inst (make-state call-stack defs))) (not (equal (op-code (next-inst (make-state call-stack defs))) 'call))) (== (make-state call-stack defs) (step (make-state call-stack defs))))) (defthm general-==-stepper (implies (equal call-stack call-stack) ; not an abbreviation rule! (== (make-state call-stack defs) (step (make-state call-stack defs))))) (defthm ==-run (== (run s n) s) :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable run)))) ;; The next theorem implies that if the execution paths from s1 ;; s2 intersect, then (== s1 s2). (defthm ==-Y (implies (== (run s1 n) (run s2 m)) (== s1 s2)) :rule-classes nil) (in-theory (disable == general-==-stepper)) (in-theory (enable step)) ;;----------------------------------------------------- ;; Square (defconst *sq-def* '(sq (n) (load n) (dup) (mul) (ret))) (defabbrev sq (x) (* x x)) (defun execute-SQ (s) (modify s :pc (+ 1 (pc s)) ;; (pc s) = pc of ;; (top-frame s) :stack (push (sq (top (stack s))) ;; (stack s) = stack (pop (stack s))))) ;; of (top-frame s) ;; The M1 program for the function sq behaves as expected: (defthm ==-sq (implies (equal (bound? 'sq (defs s)) *sq-def*) (== (do-inst '(call sq) s) (execute-sq s)))) ;;---------------------------------------------------- ;; Max (defconst *max-def* '(max (x y) (load x) (load y) (sub) (ifle 3) (load x) (ret) (load y) (ret))) (defun execute-MAX (s) (modify s :pc (+ 1 (pc s)) ;; (pc s) = pc of ;; (top-frame s) :stack (push (max (top (pop (stack s))) (top (stack s)));; (stack s) = stack (pop (pop (stack s))))));; of (top-frame s) ;; The M1 program for the function max behaves as expected: (defthm ==-max (implies (equal (bound? 'max (defs s)) *max-def*) (== (do-inst '(call max) s) (execute-max s)))) ;;--------------------------------------------------- ;; Recursive factorial (defconst *fact-def* '(fact (n) (load n) ;; 0 (ifgt 3) ;; 1 (push 1) ;; 2 (ret) ;; 3 (load n) ;; 4 (load n) ;; 5 (push 1) ;; 6 (sub) ;; 7 (call fact) ;; 8 (mul) ;; 9 (ret))) ;; 10 (defun ! (n) (if (zp n) 1 (* n (! (- n 1))))) (defun execute-FACT (s) (modify s :pc (+ 1 (pc s)) ;; (pc s) = pc of ;; (top-frame s) :stack (push (! (top (stack s))) ;; (stack s) = stack (pop (stack s))))) ;; of (top-frame s) (in-theory (disable (:EXECUTABLE-COUNTERPART MAKE-FRAME))) ;; This induction-hint was created from the failed proof ;; of ==-fact-lemma without the induction hint. (defun ==-fact-hint (call-stack defs n) (if (zp n) (list call-stack defs) (==-fact-hint (push (make-frame 8 (list (cons 'n (top (stack (make-state call-stack defs))))) (push (+ -1 (top (stack (make-state call-stack defs)))) (push (top (stack (make-state call-stack defs))) nil)) (cddr *fact-def*)) (push (make-frame (+ 1 (pc (make-state call-stack defs))) (locals (make-state call-stack defs)) (pop (stack (make-state call-stack defs))) (program (make-state call-stack defs))) (pop call-stack))) defs (- n 1)))) ;; Note the :restrict hint below. ;; This hint restricts the application of the rewrite rule, ;; general-==-stepper. ;; Please look up the :restrict hint in ACL2's documentation. ;; Look under HINTS. (defthm ==-fact-lemma (implies (and (equal (bound? 'fact defs) *fact-def*) (equal (next-inst (make-state call-stack defs)) '(call fact)) (equal n (top (stack (make-state call-stack defs)))) (integerp n) (>= n 0)) (== (make-state call-stack defs) (execute-FACT (make-state call-stack defs)))) :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable general-==-stepper) :restrict ((general-==-stepper ((call-stack call-stack) (defs defs)))) :induct (==-fact-hint call-stack defs n)))) ;; The M1 program for the function fact behaves as expected: (defthm ==-fact (implies (and (equal (bound? 'fact (defs s)) *fact-def*) (integerp (top (stack s))) (>= (top (stack s)) 0)) (== (do-inst '(call fact) s) (execute-FACT s)))) (in-theory (disable ==-fact-lemma)) ;;---------------------------------------------------- ;; Use the interpreter without a clock for M1, run-w, to ;; state and prove an M1 program correctness result. ;; Informal Correctness Result ;; Let s be the following state ;; (modify nil ;; :pc 0 ;; :locals local-vars ;; :stack s0 ;; :program '((load x) ;; 0 ;; (call sq) ;; 1 ;; (call fact) ;; 2 ;; (load x) ;; 3 ;; (call fact) ;; 4 ;; (call sq) ;; 5 ;; (call max) ;; 6 ;; (store y) ;; 7 ;; (halt)) ;; 8 ;; :defs (list *sq-def* ;; *max-def* ;; *fact-def*)). ;; Let x be the value of the variable 'x in (locals s). ;; If x is a nonnegative integer and s is run to ;; termination, then M1 ends in the following state: ;; (modify s ;; :pc 8 ;; :locals (bind 'y (max (! (sq x)) ;; (sq (! x))) ;; (locals s))) ;; First we show that the initial state above is related ;; by == to the final state above. (defthm ==-s-halt-state (let* ((s (modify nil :pc 0 :locals local-vars :stack s0 :program '((load x) ;; 0 (call sq) ;; 1 (call fact) ;; 2 (load x) ;; 3 (call fact) ;; 4 (call sq) ;; 5 (call max) ;; 6 (store y) ;; 7 (halt)) ;; 8 :defs (list *sq-def* *max-def* *fact-def*))) (x (binding 'x (locals s)))) (implies (and (integerp x) (>= x 0)) (== s (modify s :pc 8 :locals (bind 'y (max (! (sq x)) (sq (! x))) (locals s)))))) :rule-classes nil :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable general-==-stepper)))) ;; Formal Correctness Result (defthm prog-is-correct (let* ((s (modify nil :pc 0 :locals local-vars :stack s0 :program '((load x) ;; 0 (call sq) ;; 1 (call fact) ;; 2 (load x) ;; 3 (call fact) ;; 4 (call sq) ;; 5 (call max) ;; 6 (store y) ;; 7 (halt)) ;; 8 :defs (list *sq-def* *max-def* *fact-def*))) (x (binding 'x (locals s)))) (implies (and (integerp x) (>= x 0)) (equal (run-w s) (modify s :pc 8 :locals (bind 'y (max (! (sq x)) (sq (! x))) (locals s)))))) :hints (("Goal" :in-theory (enable ==) :use ==-s-halt-state)))