
Every senior in the Computer Science Department at UWYO must do a Senior Capstone Project to fulfill departmental degree requirements. Our students find their capstone projects as one of the most benificial and talked about experiences of their undergraduate education.

What's the purpose of a capstone?

  • apply their formal knowledge to solve challenging, real-world problems,
  • experience working in cross-functional team with a external product owner (just like the common workplace),
  • actively engage with a community partner (a company, community organization, research organization, etc).

A critical element of the Computer Science Capstone program is the participation of our community partners, capstone teams are expected to work with their community partners throughout the academic year (see the Timetable for major milestones). We try to ensure that each student is afforded the opportunity to work as part of a design team on a real world project of interest and value to the sponsoring organization AND the student.

Looking for more?

This site contains information for students, community sponsors, and faculty sponsors as well as details about currently available and selected projects, required forms, and an overall timetable for the senior capstone projects.

Looking to submit a project? - please do so here - all you need is your contact information, a project title, and a proposal document (pdf please).You should probably also take a look at the "Sponsors" page for more details on the benefits and expecations of senior capstone projects. Looking for examples? Here are two proposals submitted to another univerity's capstone project from Laramie owned Erebus Labs [1][2]. While these two documents have been made more visually appealing, the content is much more important than the visual aesthetics.
“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.”
Colin Powell